Gaynor's Evo Hoof Boot Success
Absolutely fantastic pictures and testimonial from Gaynor about her Evo hoof boots!
Read about Gaynor's journey to finding a perfect fit and helpful tips she has learnt in the process.
"Really love these boots and once the fit is right they are brilliant.
I took my mare out this week through thick mud and puddles and the boots were fantastic, my lovely mare was not at all phased by wearing them in bad weather conditions.
I have had a bit of trouble getting the right fit on her back feet as she seems to twist a bit as she moves. Initially the boots did twist when she was walking, I adapted them with heat twice and now they are snug and don't rotate at all. They are tight so a bit difficult to get on, so my tip is to soften them slightly in hand-hot water, which makes it easier to manipulate them onto the foot. It is getting easier to do so I suspect they are becoming the right fit with wear. The front boots are easy to pop on and off, they do not move on her feet once on.
Brilliant boots and so glad you are going to stock them as i can’t imagine using any others."
- Gaynor, Wales