Alfie loves his Cavallo Simple Hoof Boots

Pam brought Alfie her thoroughbred 5 years ago. Alfie was meant to have navicular syndrome and was shod on the front. After owning Alfie for 3 years, Pam noticed every time he had new shoes applied, he would be lame in trot. After research and talking to lots of people and finding a fantastic podiatrist, Pam and Alfie took the plunge and removed his shoes. Alfie was a little sore footed for about 8 weeks. Naturally it broke Pam's heart to see him like this, but she knew deep down she had done the right thing.

Pam bought Alfie a pair of Cavallo Simple boots just for riding over rough ground to avoid soreness and hoof chipping.  He can pretty much go anywhere now though even without hoof boots.

Pam's advice:
"When people say their horse is too old and it's too late to take off the shoes, it really isn't true. Alfie is 18 and has been barefoot for 18 months with no problems of soundness. My advice is give it a go with the help of Cavallo Horse Hoof Boots from Horse and More.

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